Something I'm extremely proud to be involved in. And one of my favourite mixes I've ever done.
I first met the super-talented artist Carne Griffiths around 5-6 years ago. I discovered his work, was blown away and had to contact him to tell him so. What I didn't expect when I send him that email was for a friendship to form like it has. Luckily Carne was aware of my work also and had kind things to say about Fluidnation and Fragile State. Which was a bonus. Carne is honestly one of the nicest human beings I've ever encountered,
Since that moment, we've long been planning a audio/visual project called Momentary. More on that later.
But right now, Carne has an amazing new exhibition running from throughout May called Nature's Riches, with Jewel Goodby's J G Contemporary Art Gallery.
Carne explains: "Jewel and I developed an idea together to create a body of work celebrating nature as if it was being presented to us in a magazine or as an advertising campaign. I loved the idea of using existing advertising imagery to showcase the beauty and delicacy of nature as if it were jewellery or a perfume for example. As the project developed it became apparent with the current situation in the UK and worldwide with Covid-19 that it would be impossible to bring people together to see the work in Jewel's gallery space J G Contemporary. Therefore we began to think of ways in which we could make this project happen and deliver it to people in an accessible way, both as a product and as an experience, whilst still hoping to present the original works in Jewel's gallery space.
The collection of work has been broken into a series of 8 luxurious limited edition prints, embellished with gold foil. Each print is available individually, as multiples, or as a full box set of 8. On the reverse of the print is a link to listen to the mixes and music that have inspired the creation of these pieces and that have been curated by Ben Mynott's FLUIDNATION to accompany the work.
The exhibition box will be a mailer box printed inside and out with artwork and created during the project to house up to 8 prints.
As an artist working with galleries I have always chosen to work closely with those who not only support what I do but provide inspiration and conversation around each body of work.
I have worked with Jewel for nearly 10 years on various projects and I realise the difficulties that galleries and artists are facing at the moment. Fifty percent of all money from the sale of original works from this project will go to support the Gallery."
So I have created two beautiful mixes for Carne, SOLACE and ISOLATION. These mixes have helped Carne with the creative process whilst he paints whilst his initial sketches helped me create and inspired the mixes. It's a process we've always enjoyed since we first met. Art+Music.
ISOLATION is a mix that, obviously, stems from the current crisis and is slightly darker given the circumstances whilst SOLACE is breathtakingly beautiful mix we turn to for comfort, hope and love and light.
Carne adds "Music plays a very important role within the creation of a painting, in a way painting is an exploration for me, I begin each piece unplanned and allow things to unfold on the page guided by chance and accident. The music I listen to plays an important role in the creation of artwork, it provides a rhythm for the work and transports me to a place where things flow freely without interruption.
I have been working on an audio/visual project with Fluidnation's Ben Mynott for several years now and we have been collaborating on and creating a project called Momentary, as part of this project and as a precursor to Momentary each piece of artwork in this project will contain links to 2 mixes from Ben, Isolation and Solace. The pieces have both influenced the work and are a reaction to it. By providing the links to the music we are looking to recreate the golden era of vinyl, when you would take your first listen to an album whilst browsing the sleeve artwork and sometimes contents."
You can find out more about Carne Griffiths' Nature's Riches project here:
Here is a little info about the forthcoming Momentary project.
Ben "Momentary is a visual/audio project by Artist, Carne Griffiths and DJ/Producer, Ben Mynott (Fluidnation/Chill Radio/Fragile State).
The project was born when the two friends would get together for a painting and music session. And a good chinwag. They love a good chinwag! And tea and coffee. They drink buckets of tea and coffee. Carne would start painting whilst Ben would play a load of tunes that he'd been sent for his radio show.
To say they are fans of each others' work is an understatement. It soon became apparent that they began to inspire each other in a hugely positive way where ideas grew and creative sparks sparked. It led each other down artistic routes they might not have taken with their work when they were together for those sessions.
The Momentary series works on the theme of focusing on listening and paying attention to the world around us. Having an awareness in our natural world and appreciating what we have around us. There is beauty everywhere."